Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Great #Selfie Debate

Word: Selfie

Definition:  A picture that you've taken of yourself that is planned to be uploaded to social media.  You can typically see your arm holding the camera and you're either doing a #duckface or trying to look in a different direction other than the camera.  After minutes of taking several pics and spending more time than necessary editing them, you share them with the world!

 Taking a car selfie.  Don't worry- I was parked.  I think?

I'd like to say that I don't really care about what people think of me.  But when it comes to selfies...I'll admit, I get a little cautious.  It's pretty easy for people to think that when someone shares a selfie numerous times throughout the week and yes, even the day, that they're completely self absorbed and conceited. But is that always true?  What does someone's selfie really say about them?  Below I'm going to be sharing some selfies that I have on my phone and at the end of this post, I will tell you how many of them I have actually uploaded to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.  :-)

I was waiting at a bus stop and my hubby and I were taking pics.  I sneaked one of myself and yes, I know I'm showing too much cleave...again.  But what can I say?  It's inevitable with breasts of my size.

I feel like there are different types of girls that post selfies:

1. The truly narcissistic and self-centered girls.  

These chicks like to pose while wearing skimpy gym clothes, revealing tops, or hardly anything at all.  They're looking for shock value and want attention from guys, but you know who else?  They want attention from the girls too.  They do this as a slight competitive thing and it's almost like peacocking.  If you don't know what that means, either go to Urban Dictionary or watch 17 Again.

Snapping a selfie while at a dim sum restaurant.  Classy.

2. The girls who need a self esteem boost.  

They're feeling "ugly", "depressed", or "down" and need some ego stroking from others.  They put a pic of themselves out there where they know they look good, but try to display this false modesty in order to fish for compliments.  Or they really just have low self esteem and need reassurance from others of their beauty and good looks.

3.  The girls who just feel good about themselves and want you to know it...and they're kind of inspiring you to feel the same about yourself.

I have to say that I can't really hate on these girls because in a weird way there's a mix of a background of story going on here.  On one hand, they know they look great in the pic and they hope others think so too.  But then on the other hand, they're confident in themselves enough to put a picture of themselves out there in the first place and they really don't care what people will say or think.  They are fully aware that there are gonna be some haters, but there are also gonna be some lovers.  So no matter the outcome, they're just doing their thing.

And again while at a Thai restaurant.  The way I see it, it's usually a 50/50 split between taking pics of myself or the food.

So which girl am I?  Well, as promised, I'm gonna tell you how many of these selfies I've actually posted on social media and shared with friends and people I barely know: none.*  These are all pics that I just have on my phone from days where I felt good and wanted to save the memory.  Now, take that for what you will, but I guess I'm working on my #selfiegame, because I'm officially posting them all here!  So no matter what people throw back at you, you just keep doin' you girl.

Annnnnd one more for the road.

What I look like right now as I'm typing this.

Love.  Peace.  And buttermilk biscuits.

*Disclaimer: On my new Instagram account, beautybynadiamitchell, I go #selfie crazy, but as far as my personal accounts go, I'll give you a nickle for every #selfie you can spot.  ;-)

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